What to Expect


We’re glad you are thinking of visiting us, and hope to meet you soon!   Our church has a liturgical tradition, which means that we have certain worship elements that are repeated every week, during a certain church season (Advent, Lent, etc.)  The colors of the church linens and pastor’s stole also change according to the church season. The pastor wears a white robe, but members and visitors wear whatever they please.  Comfortable clothes are welcome. 

Services are about one hour long, and contain a mixture of both traditional and contemporary instrumental and sung music, readings from the Bible, prayers, and a message/sermon (which explains the Bible readings).  The service and words to the hymns are projected on screens on both sides of the church, so hymn and service books don’t need to be used.  We practice Holy Communion weekly, which is a way to receive nourishment from God.  During Communion, all who wish to share (including visitors) are invited to join a line which leads to the front.  The pastor will give you a wafer, which you’re invited to dip into a goblet of either wine or grape juice, and then eat.   We also collect an offering of money, which is a way of giving back to God after he has given us so much.  This offering, to which first-time visitors are not expected to contribute, goes towards the church’s ministry, including community needs.  During the church service, there is a time of “Sharing God’s Peace” during which worshipers shake hands or hug those sitting nearest them, saying: “The Peace of the Lord be with you” to which we often reply: “and also with you.”  More than just a stand and greet time, this is a Biblical way for Christians to greet one another.  Some worshipers move around the sanctuary at this time, but this is not expected or required.   You can remain sitting or standing by your seat. 

Grace is a small, family-sized church.  The service has usually from 20-30 worshipers. We love children, and we welcome them to be part of our service!  Following the church service, there is a coffee hour/fellowship time at the back of the church with coffee and a snack.  Visitors are invited to stay for this so that we can get to know you.   Sometimes there is an hour-long Bible study following the service, to which visitors are also invited.  Be sure to follow the newsletter page and Facebook page for more information about what to expect and what’s to come for our church. God Bless You!